Jan 22, 2010


It's Friday!!

I am a believer that Fridays are the day to unwind.

Maybe catch up on some loose ends,

Maybe coast a little to catch your breath,

Maybe play hooky from work and get your groove back.

It's a day to watch fluff TV, read a little, spin something, play with your yarn, or enjoy time with your kids!

Eat pizza and soda with the kids tonight! Chips, popcorn, ice cream? -- all right!!

Jump into your sweats as soon as you can! Cuddle with the hubby or a nice blanket if you need to.

DON'T clean up, or start those 'priority' projects, or pay bills.

There's too much to do every weekend, and every week, without taking some time out for yourself!

That's my motto. Hope you have a good Friday!


Jan 21, 2010

Women About Biz Free Teleclass

Hey there, want to get more free information?

I just got an email from Women About Biz (www.womenaboutbiz.com), of which I am a free member, that advertised for a free 'teleclass' called Social Networking 101 (and how that can help your business).

First, you have to sign in for a free membership, and you can opt for a free newsletter ...remember what I said earlier about getting those freebees? Here's another opportunity for information via email and class.

I have participated in other free 'webinars' or 'teleclasses' and found them beneficial, so I thought I'd spread the word

.... See you there?

Jan 20, 2010

How to Use "Cause Marketing" + We Want to Help Haiti... Sale!

So, we are practicing what we preached, and have been reading some information provided by Vertical Response in their posting: "The 2010 New Year Checklist for Your Business".

Item 1 on their list says to use "cause marketing." Whoa, the first instinct is that this sounded crass and Machiavellian, but then a second thought occurred ...this can be beneficial for both us and the cause!

How can we help promote our business and our interest in a cause at the same time?

Obviously, as with many of you, we are concerned about the citizens of Haiti and their plight after this earthquake. So, we are combining this desire to help them with our marketing needs to make a special offer that is above our normally low listed prices on our alpacas on our Autumn Sun Alpacas Openherd site.

For rest of January 2010:
We will give you 10% off the price of any 'for sale' animal on our Autumn Sun Alpacas Openherd site... and, we will donate 10% to the Red Cross for the Haitian relieve efforts.

Interested in a group of animals in one of our packages or one of your design? No problem, lets talk. We offer reduced prices already on our packages, but can discuss details and donation options.

The great thing is that this offer works with full payment or a payment plan. Full cash payment now means a full 10% now.

But if you can only finance right now, this offer still works for you as long as we sign the contract this month. The rebate and donations will just be spread out -- a discount/donation now on the down payment and then a discount/donation off the top of each payment.

So, hop over to our alpaca listings on our Autumn Sun Alpacas Openherd site, and see what alpaca catches your eye. Have questions? Just drop us an email note (directly here, or through our Openherd site), and we will get right back with you with answers.

Easy, painless, informative shopping... with a big payoff!

Thanks for looking, and for your generosity!

Autumn Sun Alpacas


Article as seen on Comcast.net News on 20-January-2010:
"New 6.1-quake hits Haiti, people flee into streets"

Jan 19, 2010

Why Didn't I Think Of That?

Do you ever think of or hear about something that makes you think, "Wow, that is so simple!" or "Why didn't I think of that before?" Well, I've got one for you....

I know that you see all kinds of email messages that are sent using an email service, like Vertical Response among others. Now, not necessarily advocating one service provider over the other, have you ever just perused through their free information / articles? It's like going to the public library, in a way -- helpful information just sitting there, waiting for you to look at it.

So, besides the email marketing campaign that you've been planning ;) -- pop into these providers' sites and take a look around. Maybe get on their free newsletters to get more information handed to you.

Don't know of any such providers?

Well below are some links to some information provided. There are others email marketing providers, like: Campaigner, Easy Contact, Constant Contact, Mad Mimi, icontact, ContactPro, and so many more. Now, granted, some of these sites have more free info than others, but take a look around to see.

Just Google or Yahoo on 'email marketing' to see what's out there.

Again, not promoting any particular email service, just grabbing some links I know of ....Here are just some of the links to some of these sites....

Explore, Read, Use!
Get out there, folks -- Be brave!

Easy Contact's Email Marketing Resource Guide

Vertical Response's 2010 Business checklist

Vertical Response's Top 10 Blog posts of 2009

Constant Contact's Learning Center
-- includes webinars, tutorials and guides!

Interspire's 62-page whitepaper about permission based email marketing
(you have ask for it)

Be Careful -- Not All Farms are Honest, Read On...

On a serious note...

Just wanted to give a cautionary note: a well known farm in NY recenty posted that they were selling out their herd, without guarantees but with their normal good customer service.

However, we have had past dealings that do not show their good customer service. We have had a past trade where their alpaca was realized to be not pregnant and not reproductively viable. Despite our regular and detailed communication to them about our medical and breeding efforts, they did not hold their word to replace with a comparable animal. They stopped answering our repeated attempts at communication. ...Yes, we still have this non-productive alpaca, while they have had two crias from our traded dam.

The point of this message is to be careful in dealings with them as they have not always 'done the right thing.'

If you want more details, you can email or call us privately.

Jan 17, 2010

Articles for the 2010 GWAS showbook....

Hi all,

Did you know that I am the Showbook Coordinator for the 2010 GWAS showbook? What an extensive but rewarding endeavor -- well at least after all the work is done. Beforehand, I am sometimes known to pull out my hair at the time-crunch.... So, I am petitioning early for your assistance!

I am requesting submissions of 1-2 page articleds for the 2010 GWAS showbook for review. They will have a small signature / contact section to recognize your volunteer help! These articles can range from alpaca care (feed, breeding, birthing, cria, etc) to fiber (prep, spinning, carding, dyeing, felting, crocheting/knitting) to showing your alpaca, to selling / marketing your alpaca, etc. The topics are as endless as the interest and needs of all farms in our industry!

If you are interested or have questions, email me (Mary Livingston). I am looking forward to seeing all your humorous stories/quips, helpful hints/lists/information, quizzes, poems (dare I say?), or whatever. Surprise me :).

Remember that as the largest show in 2009, GWAS almost sold out -- selling more than 700 stalls last year. With these articles and our quality, full color pages, this book is reviewed throughout the show and retained long afterwards! All of this, and you do not pay a cent if your article is included. However, not all of the articles will fit in the showbook, so I recommend that you consider using our showbook advertisement opportunities for a guaranteed slot.

See the GWAS website or contact the Event Manager, Becky Zierer, or the Show Manager, Carl McGill for more details and assistance with purchasing show sponsorships and/or showbook advertisements.

Also, keep update to date on the live news listings for the GWAS 2010 -- Go to the Facebook site and FRIEND it to get all notices!

Thanks for your support and help!

Our First Post...

Hi everyone! This is our very first blog posting -- cool, right? We are still finding our personality in this blog, so bear with us as things may change a little... And, keep checking back as our blog expands and grows.

We have lots of information to share, and are really excited about it. In fact, we are so excited that we are getting all our social networking sites up-to-date and rev'd up: our Openherd site, our Etsy site, our Facebook site, our newsletters, and this blog. Whew, that's alot, but it is also great for us to reach out to you guys.

We would love for you to find us on Facebook to Friend or Fan us! We will also soon have our fiber inspirations and new products listed on Etsy. Of course, we have all of our alpacas listed on Openherd for your viewing pleasure. Please enjoy and bookmark! Talk again soon!